P-adic Numbers (Introductory Youtube videos)

04 April 2023

I have been looking online for introductory videos or tutorials on p-adic numbers and found the following ones as the best. The above video gives a general introduction to the topic and presents it with pretty animations. The above video takes you to learn the topic through hands on exercises....

Problem 5 (HMMT Nov 2018 Team)

06 November 2019

This question from the HMMT contest will give us some practice in solving math problems using coding. Question Find the sum of all positive integers n such that \(1 + 2 + \ldots + n\) divides \( 15[(n + 1)^2 + (n + 2)^2 + \ldots + (2n)^2]\). Solutions Note that the following two solutions are not acceptable for the contest. They want...

Linear Algebra in R

21 October 2019

Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that consists of a set of tools to solve equations like this - 7x + 2y = 13 4x - y = 1 We will use the R package “matlib” for this purpose. Install it, if you do not have it yet, and...

R Basics

21 October 2019

R Basics 1. Installing Packages R Packages can be installed in (at least) three ways. Package Source Method CRAN install.packages("tidyverse") Load Installed Packages Type “library” command to load the installed package for use. You install a package once, but run “library” every time you open a new R window. library("tidyverse")...

Precalculus through Coding and Animation

20 October 2019

Calculus and the Modern World Calculus is at the foundation of modern world. In our daily life, we enjoy help from many modern gadgets (electric bulbs, cars, computers, cell-phones, etc.). Humans could not have invented them without using calculus. Therefore, you need to understand calculus (and precalculus) to study science...